Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kennady's Flat Stanley

Kennady sent her Flat Stanley to visit her Aunt Brenda and Uncle Brian. They live in Troy, Illinois.

Aunt Brenda work at Scott Air Force Base. Flat Stanley learned all about moving cargo around the world. He enjoyed visiting the same places Kennady did when she visited Aunt Sandy back in 2011!

Aunt Brenda had to go to Bahrain for work. She was glad Flat Stanley went along to keep her company! It was a LONG plane ride!

Flat Stanley enjoyed visiting Bahrain! There were a lot of neat things to see.

Back home in Illinois, Flat Stanley enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, riding the ATV and mowing grass. Unfortunately, Uncle Brian hurt his knee and Flat Stanley helped take him to the doctor!

St. Louis, Missouri is only about 25 minutes away from Troy, Illinois. Uncle Brian and Aunt Brenda thought Flat Stanley should see the Gateway Arch before he headed back to Indiana!

Thank you so much for the great memories! 

Lila's Flat Stanley

Lila's Flat Stanley traveled to Pleasant Plain, Ohio to visit her Aunt Sandy and Uncle John. Flat Stanley was able to help Aunt Sandy with her mail route! He really enjoyed putting the mail in the mailboxes.

Aunt Sandy took Flat Stanley on a trip to see the Ohio River. Flat Stanley saw a lighthouse and met a fisherman!

While Flat Stanley was resting in Aunt Sandy's purse, a big cat, pulled him out! He was glad Aunt Sandy got him away from the cat. All he needed was a Band-Aid!

Thanks for the great visit, Aunt Sandy!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lance's Flat Stanley

Lance’s Flat Stanley traveled to visit his Cousin, Elise, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Flat Stanley was very excited to attend high school with Elise. 

He loved the biology and art rooms!

 His favorite part of the trip was visiting Magic Mountain where he got to ride on a roller coaster with Elise! This roller coaster has the largest loop in the world! 

Flat Stanley went to work one day with Aunt Gail. She works at the Swim School. Flat Stanley received swimming lessons while he was there! 

Flat Stanley had a FANTASTIC time in Arizona! Thank you Aunt Gail and Elise!

Jonah's Flat Stanley

Jonah’s Flat Stanley traveled to visit his Aunt Deb and Uncle John in Cleveland, Ohio. 

Flat Stanley visited the Cleveland Browns Stadium and Wind Turbine on the shore of Lake Erie in Cleveland. 

Flat Stanley learned a lot when he visited the Great Lakes Science Center and the Steamship William G. Mather Museum.

 Flat Stanley visited many other places that we read about in the book Aunt Deb made for Jonah! 

Thanks Aunt Deb and Uncle John! Flat Stanley had a GREAT time!