Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Alex's Flat Stanley

Alex sent his Flat Stanley to visit the Teel Family in Kentucky! 

Flat Stanley arrived in time to celebrate Easter with the family. Flat Stanley attended church with the Teel Family at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. He enjoyed meeting Pastor Berner. 

Flat Stanley also enjoyed learning all about motorcycles when he visited the Thoroughbred Harley-Davidson shop. 

Unfortunately, Mr. Dan's mother needed to travel to the Mayo Clinic for surgery. Flat Stanley went along to keep the family company and in good spirits. They did enjoy stopping in Wisconsin for sausage and cheese! Yummy!

Mr. Dan and Ms. Teel took Flat Stanley to work with them. Flat Stanley enjoyed meeting their co-workers and learning about the work they do. 

The best part of Flat Stanley's trip was going fishing and visiting Rabbit Hash. Rabbit Hash is a historical site where a lot of people ride their motorcycles. 

Thank you, Teel Family, for a great visit!

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