Sunday, May 8, 2016

Enola's Flat Stanley

Enola sent her Flat Stanley to visit her baby cousin, Hank, in Creston, California. Flat Stanley traveled with Grandma and Grandpa Powers on an airplane. 
He was very excited to meet the pilots of the plane! 

Baby Hank took Flat Stanley to Pismo Beach to see the surf and tide pools. He was so excited to see crabs, anemones, and star fish at the beach, too! 

Hank took Flat Stanley to see the famous Bubble Gum Alley in San Luis Obispo. The walls are covered in thousands of pieces of gum. 

It is very gross and very sticky!

 Flat Stanley also traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana with Hank to attend a wedding. Flat Stanley had a WONDERFUL time! Thank you, Baby Hank!

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