Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Liam's Flat Stanley

Liam sent Flat Stanley with Aunt Kellie and Uncle Chris to visit Bryce at Fort Benning in Georgia! On the way to visit Bryce, Flat Stanley stopped to meet some friend of Uncle Chris. They took his picture with a big metal flower!

After a long drive, they finally arrived at Fort Benning! They had to get up really early to make it through the Main Gates of Fort Benning. Flat Stanley was watching for Bryce!

The first person they met was one of Bryce's Drill Sargeants. He made Flat Stanley do push ups!

Flat Stanley finally got to meet Bryce! Bryce had to stand at attention for 3 hours during the "Turning Green" ceremony! Bryce received his beret and became a US Army Soldier!!

Flat Stanley had a great visit! Thank you! 

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